
Chocolate Wafers




  1. Pour the milk in a medium saucepan.  Add sugar and vanilla.  Bring to boil
  2. Add in butter and  chocolate and stir until melted. Remove from heat.
  3. Gradually add the ground cookies to your mixture to thicken.
  4. Let it cool for 15 minutes before filling the wafers sheets.
  5. There are five sheets, so you need to divide filling in four and place the filling over each wafer sheet. Layer one wafer sheet, cover with 1/4 of the filling and repeat for remaining wafer sheets.
  6. Cover your wafer cake with foil and place something heavy over the foil (a book or cutting board works). Allow to stick together for about 3 hours.  Leave in refrigerator overnight.
  7. Cut in squares or triangles to serve.